Our Lab Services

Elevate Conditioned Serum or ECS, is an autologous blood based lab service designed for the busy veterinarian. This therapy utilizes your horse’s own blood for the management of pain and inflammation. The injectable solution contains regenerative and anti-inflammatory proteins that work against destructive cells in targeted areas.

ActiStem Therapy
This ability arises from repair cells that are found throughout our body. In the case of injury or disease repair cells are mobilized to damaged areas to attempt to fix the problem.
Due to injury and/or age sometimes our own repair abilities can use a jump-start. By using the horse’s own repair cells isolated from fat tissue in the body, this repair ability can be applied to areas of need.

Contract Research
Ardent operates a full-service laboratory to provide diagnostic services, validation testing, and novel research. From assay development to cell culture, Ardent’s team of scientists and leaders can help you with your current technology or future research needs.